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- Jessopeak Pressgang
- Jock of the Bushveld
- June Roses
- Jungle Brown Lily
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- Kings and Queens of the Realm
- Kutani Crane
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- Old Country Roses Chintz
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- Old English Rose
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- Old English Scenes
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- Orchid
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- Peach Rose
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- Phoebe Summer
- Ploughing
- Pomegranate
- Poplars at Sunset
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- Professionals
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- Queens Choice
- Raby Rose
- Rennie Rose
- Reynard the Fox
- Ribbon
- Rip Van Winkle
- Roses
- Roses and Wattle
- Rustic England
- Sedan Chair
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- Shamrock
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- Ships A
- Silver Maple
- Sir Roger de Coverley
- Skating
- Souter Cats
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- Spring Flowers
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- Teatime Sayings
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- Zunday Zmocks
- Arthur Dix
- Arthur Eaton
- Brian Leaman
- Charles Hart
- Charles Noke
- Eliza Simmance
- EM Fildes
- Frank Roberts
- G Banks
- George Johnson
- George Tinworth
- Hannah Barlow
- Harry Martin
- J Skerrett
- J Stinton
- JAS Stinton
- Kitty Blake
- Leighton Maybury
- Mark Marshall
- Millie Hunt
- Raymond Rushton
- T Smith
- Vera Huggins
- Walter Nunn
- Walter Sedgley
- WHale
- Rachel Bishop
- A Toft
- Adrian Hughes
- Alan Maslankowski
- Alicia Amison
- Amber Johnson
- Anji Davenport
- Beverley Wilkes
- C Jackson
- Charles Noke
- Charles Vyse
- D Brindley
- D Hughes
- David Lyttleton
- Debbie Hancock
- DV Tootle
- Emma Bossons FRSA
- Eric Griffiths
- Graham Tongue
- H Fenton
- H Tittensor
- Harry Fenton
- Harry Simeon
- Helen Dale
- Jim O'Leary
- John Bromley
- Kerry Goodwin
- Leslie Harradine
- Martyn Alcock
- Mary Nicoll
- Michael Abberley
- Nada Pedley
- Neil Faulkner
- Neil Welch
- Nicola Slaney
- P Railston
- Paul Hilditch
- Pauline Parsons
- Peggy Davies
- Peter Gee
- Philip Gibson
- Phoebe Stabler
- R Asplin
- Rachel Bishop
- Robert Jefferson
- Robert Tabbenor
- S Keenan
- S Mitchell
- S Thorogood
- Sally Tuffin
- Shirley Hayes
- Sian Leeper
- Tim Potts
- Trevor Critchlow
- Valerie Annand
- Vicky Lovatt
- William Moorcroft
- WK Harper
- 1 Pound
- 10 Pounds
- 101 Dalmatians
- 10th | Millenium Mark
- 11th | 4th Green Mark
- 1st | 1st Black Mark
- 5 Pound
- 5th | 2nd Green Mark
- 6th | 3rd Green Mark
- 7th | Gold or Brown Mark
- 8th | 1st Blue Mark
- Age of Chivalry
- Age of Innocence
- Alice in Wonderland
- Animaland
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- Ballet
- Bathers Collection
- Berta Hummel
- Best of the Classics
- Beswick
- Birds
- Blind Earl
- BP2
- Bradex
- Brian Eden
- British Sporting Heritage
- Bunnykins Giftware
- Bunnykins of the Year
- Burslem Artwares
- Butterfly Ladies
- Canada
- Candle Snuffer
- Cat
- Cats
- Cats Chorus
- Cattle
- Celebrity Collection
- Character Jug of Year
- Character's from Childrens Literature
- Charleston
- Chatcull
- Children Figures
- Children's Literature
- Chintz
- Circulated
- Clarice Cliff
- Dancers of the World
- Derivative
- Dickens
- Disney
- Disney Princesses
- Dogs
- Double Handled
- Double Sided
- Doulton Archives
- Doultonville
- English Country Folk
- English Sterling Silver
- Entertainers
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- Explorers
- Farm Animals
- Figure
- Figure of the Year
- Figurine
- Fish
- Flowers of Love
- Footballing Felines
- Four Seasons
- Franklin Mint
- Gainsborough Ladies
- Gentle Arts
- Georgian Queens
- Giftware
- Gilbert and Sullivan
- Goebel
- Great Britain
- Great Cats of the World
- Gres
- Hand Painted
- Henry VIII
- Henry VIII & Wives
- HN Icons
- Horses
- Indiana Glass
- Irish Sterling Silver
- Kate Greenaway
- Kevin Francis
- Ladies of Fashion
- Lady Doulton
- Les Femmes Fatales
- Limited Edition
- Liquor Container
- Lisette De Winne
- Literary Heroines
- Little Lovables
- Lladro
- M series
- Middle Earth
- Miniature Street Vendors
- Music Box
- Musical
- Myths and Maidens
- Nao
- Norman Thelwell
- Numbered Edition
- Nursery Rhyme
- Nursery Rhymes
- Peggy Davies Collection
- Perfume Bottle
- Peter Barnett
- Pig Prom
- Pioneers
- Plantagenet Queens
- Popeye
- Prestige
- Queens of the Realm
- RDICC Exclusive
- Robin Hood Collection
- Royal Albert
- Royal Doulton
- Royal Worcester
- Shakespearean Ladies
- Shipmates Collection
- Ships Figureheads
- Snowman
- Special Colourway
- Special Edition
- Star Crossed Lovers
- Stuart Kings
- Stuart Queens
- The Collecting World
- The Jungle Book
- The Seasons
- Thomas Kincade
- Thunderbirds
- Trial
- Tudor Roses
- Twelve Days of Christmas
- Uncirculated Coin Set
- Victorian and Edwardian Actresses
- Victorian Childhood
- Wild Animals
- Wild West
- Williamsburg
- Winnie the Pooh
- World War II
- Zaphir
- AK Kaiser
- Arzberg
- Baccarat
- Bing and Grondahl
- Capo DiMonte
- Carl Scheidig
- Crown Crystal
- Dahl Jensen
- Delft
- Dresden
- Dugan
- Ernst Wahliss
- Ethan Allen
- Fenton
- Giovanni Ronzan
- Goebel
- Goebel Weihnacht
- Gouda
- Heinrich and Co
- Herend
- Lencia | Star Collection
- Mosser
- Northwood
- Rosenthal
- Royal Copenhagen
- Royal Dux
- Royal Vienna
- Villeroy and Boch
- Wallendorf
- Westmoreland
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